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Azure Import / AWS Account Discovery Service import pre-requisites - Optional

This article will take you through the process of steps you need to complete in Azure / AWS to import their files into Cloud Navigator


Azure import

AWS account discovery

Azure import

  1. Login to the Azure Console

  2. Go to Virtual Machines

  3. Click Manage View

  4. Click Edit Columns

  5. Add the following columns from Properties

    1. Computer Name (Mandatory)

    2. Resource ID (Mandatory)

    3. Private IP Address (Optional)

  6. Add the following columns from Tags (Optional)

    1. Application

    2. Environment

  7. Click Save

  8. Click Export to CSV

  9. Import to Cloud Navigator. See our import servers guide

AWS account discovery  

To use AwsAccountDiscoveryCliwith AWS CloudShell: 

  1. From any page or AWS Region in the AWS Management Console, open the AWS CloudShell to run the account discovery script shown next. Ensure that you are logged into the AWS Management Console with the correct level of permissions, see Prerequisites for AwsAccountDiscoveryCli.

    Do not change the "--domain-owner 354220221581" and " --region us-west-2" parts shown; copy the script as-is. 

    python3 -m venv awsdiscovery 
    source ~/awsdiscovery/bin/activate 
    pip install pip --upgrade 
    aws codeartifact login --tool pip \ 
      --repository AwsAccountDiscoveryCli \ 
      --domain aws-account-discovery-cli \ 
      --domain-owner 354220221581 \ 
      --region us-west-2 
    pip install awsaccountdiscoverycli 
  2. Verify that the installation completed successfully:

    awsdiscover --version 
  3. Start the collection for the current account: 

  4. Discovery takes more time on large accounts. Once finished, compress the output folder to download the report: 

    tar -czvf DiscoveryReports.tar.gz /home/cloudshell-user/AwsAccountDiscoveryReports/ 
  5. Select  Actions  in the top right corner, then choose Download file. 

  6. For the  Individual file path, specify the following path and then choose  Download. 

  7. Import to Cloud Navigator. See our import servers guide

To contact Cloud Navigator sales or support for any reason at all, simply email and one of the team will get back to you. If your issue is urgent, please mark the email as URGENT in the subject line.

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