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Single Sign On - Optional

This article will take you through the capability of setting up SSO, to link up with your Office 365 to allow users of that tenant access in the platform.

Settings (Cog) - Login (Sidebar)

Within the ‘Login’ page of the settings section of the platform you can populate the details of your Office 365 setup, allowing you to link up and have access to the platform controlled at the company level. This minimises the need for user maintenance and work to add in new users. The information required for this setup is:

  • UI Client ID

  • API Client ID

  • Tenant ID

You may need to confirm these details with your internal IT team.


Once the details have been placed into the platform, you can change the access method using the ‘Login Method’ drop down. This will allow you to switch between standard login or SSO login.

Users generated via SSO, will have Power User Access.

If you want any external user’s to access the platform who are not setup within the Single Sign On Infrastructure see the guide here on setting up external access.

To contact Cloud Navigator sales or support for any reason at all, simply email and one of the team will get back to you. If your issue is urgent, please mark the email as URGENT in the subject line.

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