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Assessment without servers - Optional

This article will take you through the process of assessing your applications via surveys, without the need of servers being associated.


Application assessment mode toggle

Changes / How to use

Application assessment mode toggle

To toggle on the capability of assessing your applications without servers, you need to go to the following page:

Settings (Cog) - General (Sidebar) - Application Assessment Toggle (Box)


Changes / How to use

Once toggled to ‘Exclude Servers' a rescoring will occur on the account if you have assessments already complete. This new scoring will give you a Risk and Complexity based upon other elements in the platform, rather than relying on server based elements such as the Operating System and it’s support status.

A new question is added to the Signposting survey, this question will ask you to confirm ‘Does the application run on legacy Operations Systems?'.

All other elements in the platform will remain the same when this feature is toggled.

To contact AppScore sales or support for any reason at all, simply email and one of the team will get back to you. If your issue is urgent, please mark the email as URGENT in the subject line.

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